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October 2024 - Mate in 2

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Drixar Sun Oct 06, 2024 6:44 pm

What’s this?? Phoenix is the first to get the forum rolling? Amazing game everyone, let’s hear those memories 💙

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Ivy Sun Oct 06, 2024 8:34 pm

I didn't do shit lol

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by snow_gnoble Sun Oct 06, 2024 10:29 pm

A couple acquaintances of mine got into trouble.
They were always ambitious, but I knew if they didn't smarten up they were never going to get a head....

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Quill Mon Oct 07, 2024 5:30 pm

This is absolutely all out of order...so much happening...
• There is a new Strange Person™ in my town and he tells me my god is actually probably called Dragon. I do not think Saa has wings but I will double-check next time I see Her.
• Someone is now loyal to Marwhel which is probably super cool and fine and not going to end with my head smashed again.
• Meat beast shows up? Meat beast rat shows up? Kondor has a snack.
• It's almost Saa-lloween so Morrigan and I are dressing up as Kondor.
• Misty's here! I was worried about the child we sent to war but I think she actually may have fared better than me
• I trade a (fake, chocolate) phin and receive scales on my arms and the ability to regenerate limbs once an hour for the rest of the event Smile
• Morrigan meanwhile gets the ability to instantly heal one person completely to full every hour 👀

• We put the godskin back up 😊
• Goodbye Herald.
• There are bombs in the inn. Because this is the town I live in.
• Skeletal snake baby Quill Jr!!!!
• Glaive update 😈 Composed of 6 metal, 4 rat bone, 1 Kondor arm bone, and one Quill arm bone 😊 8 METAL 8 METAL 8 METAL
• Saa-lloween treats!
• More fucking bombs.
• Quill Jr becomes flesh with the help of mana. They grow up so fast.
• Guy paid a phin for some kind of tongue parasite?? He could talk for a day but Rosco had to remove it before sunset lest it kill him and others
• Marco informs me of the Collective's latest in BBL technology.
• Poor Kondor. Some days you eat a chimera snake arm, become fully cold-blooded, and depend on your friends to huddle like penguins with you lest you freeze. Happens to the best of us.
• Silver Corp field trip down to the Boneyard for a science project. Probably my favorite part of game because we had nothing to do but chat for an hour and were mostly cry-laughing by the end of it.
• Some weird anglerfish thing shows up? And wisps?
• Well fuck. Kondor got ate. No psychic for him anymore.
• Herald Killing 2: Electric Boogaloo
• I deliver religious rites for a fallen member of the collective and we give him a proper burial. The Snurch has decided Collective members are people too even if they're Like That.
• You won't believe it. There's still more fucking bombs.
• Emellia is craving human flesh. I offer her one of my arms but apparently that's the wrong response to learning your friend has cannibalistic tendencies.
• Collecting phins so Sophie doesn't get permanently turned into light

• Bailey, oog: hey it's a slow Sunday do you want to kill me for Saa?
• Me & Morrigan: 👀 if you're sure you wanna do that, we definitely can
• Quill makes stupid decisions and has way too much trust in everyone. FOIG the details but on an IG level Marco's murder wasn't intended to be a murder
• Interrogation goes about as well as it can with Quill
• We are put to death. I do a lot of praying. Praise Saa 🐍🐍
• Our bodies are left on Kondor's doorstep. Good morning! Shield Quill Jr's eyes.

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Brummbär Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:23 pm


(Just as a heads up, unless I say otherwise, when I say “I” and “me” I’m referring to Brummbar)

• Started game at the forge making some metal dwarf bones for a little operation Razz
• The Chefs returned! The apprentice was sent to showcase his skills in the kitchen, where he made a burger.
• Garrett was apparently found by Marwel… it turns out the poor lad has no more magic but is a stronger martial fighter?
• A skinless man and a skinless rat showed up! Apparently Kondor ate both of them… oh well.
• After the meat monsters, the apprentice got into a shouting match with the head chef; It turns out the apprentice is named Fork… which the Murder Spoon said was telling him to murder… Thankfully they got psychically made friends by a newcomer! I put the thought into Fork’s head about potentially working for me and my order, time will tell if he wishes to!
• Morrigan and Quill dressed up as Snake people… how odd
• Darth Vad- I mean the Phin Merchant appeared! I tried my luck at gambling but only got 1 vowel; It turned out Dimitri’s good luck does not work with Dwarves…
• I stayed up quite late and got berated yet again by Corin; Man that human REALLY doesn’t like me… Surely my masterpiece will finally get some appreciation?

• I somehow woke up at 9, no idea how but here we go!
• I’m not 100% sure what I did, but I somehow missed the demise of the collective archiver.
• Teek arrived! I saw a cool looking metal box on the ground under the table she was at, turns out it was a Masterfully Crafted Explosive! I quietly let her know that it was there, then asked Kez for advice; He told me to wait for the Master of Demolitions to awaken (Our Earth Champion). Kondor wanted to ignite the bomb, take it into the astral plane, then throw it away. I told him it was under the medic table and it turns out there was a second bomb…
• Eventually Ceridwyn appeared and we attempted to diffuse the bomb… we went a bit too fast and myself, Ceridwyn, and Kondor blew up. It didn’t harm us, but destroyed all of our equipment, Goodbye armour and forge tools…
• Thankfully the other two bombs were diffused fine.
• Drix did a ritual! During the ritual we caught a Providence Spy observing it. Garrett tried to negotiate with him, but eventually turned to violence. We kinda dragged him to the deck and tortured him for hours. Apparently he was freed? I simply wanted his skull!
• Later on the collective put a Nuke in the bunkroom. I stood guard while it was thankfully diffused. Apparently it blew up in the field later on though…
• I had the situation hit me that maybe the collective had a bomb on the forge in the boneyard, so I went down there with a small squad and only found burnt grass. Seems they tried it but couldn’t break it!
• Corin reforged me most of my lost Smith tools! Still a jerk to me, but is an ok Smith in the brotherhood of smiths.
• Over the course of the day I kept getting more and more annoyed with the Church of Saa delaying my plans for some feast? It eventually happened 6 hours after its original time. It seems like Collective Explosives are quite the delayer!
• I was finally ready to go to the boneyard to forge my ultimate masterpiece… until supper was 20 minutes away. I decided to help serve it to speed it up.
• After supper was FINALLY over, it was very dark. I decided that I was finally justified to conscript the entire Silver Order to march to the boneyard to help with the forging. I was delayed YET AGAIN by Kondor showing up feeling like he was freezing to death… apparently eating chimaera limbs turns you into one? I knew I should’ve fully cooked it! (Cole: We almost lost some people on the way down to the boneyard, I had to resort to turning on the OOG lights on the thing I was going to forge for safety… Sorry about the dark march lads!)
• We were not interrupted until the last 5 minutes of the project, when we saw a light coming through the woods directly towards us! We quickly finished the project and marched with haste back towards the Inn!
• We got to the Psyker circle when we saw flickering purple lights in the distance. We decided to send Kondor on ahead, who came back and said that Town was coming and that they were wisps.
• I pretty much charged my way out of the woods and to my tent to secure my Herald Breaker Gauntlet; Got it back safe and sound!
• I went into the Inn to warm up and then Rogar attacked with another squad. They apparently defeated him. I didn’t see it since I remained alone in the Inn with the forge kept hot.
• Kondor apparently lost his psyker powers to an angler fish; Seems like that was the “wisps” I avoided on the way back!
• At some point during the day, this new halfling took some of my blood and gave me an intoxicate! Though he didn’t like that, I tried gambling with the Phin Merchant…
• Also at some point before Drixar’s ritual ended, there was a couple of butterfly carpet bombers flying around causing chaos!
• I went to bed around 1

Sunday: Woke up at 7, idk why
• Apparently Sophie was going to be turned into a light by Darth Phin Man if 25 Phins weren’t found by next month; It seems like Lexicus acquired enough of them though!
• I spent a decent chunk of time gathering enchantment ingredients before Marco’s ghost appeared in the doorway. Apparently he was skinned and killed at the Saa Circle. I tried to make a case for Quill and Morrigan being innocent but sadly they were the top suspects. While the town was interrogating them, at some point they decided they were going to punish them. While the exact punishment was being decided, a spider appeared outside; Just myself and Mr. Snow went after the thing before it ran into the Saa Circle. It nearly defeated the two of us before Ceridwyn and Dimitri came to save us. I get taken back to the Inn and left on the deck to rot while they executed THE ONE MEDIC WHO KNEW WHAT MY SURGERY NEEDED. While I was abandoned on the deck, a spider decided to cocoon me, but thankfully Ash and Ari were there to save me. Ivy FINALLY healed me so I could see the result of the trial.
• After I learned of the murders of Morrigan and Quill, I marched to the tent Kondor and I shared. I convinced the horde that I was going to bed while I grabbed my Herald Breaker Gauntlet as a show of force.
• I didn’t really do much with it, since at the time it was entirely a bluff, though I did get to vent my frustration at murder before war.
• I put the weapon back and went into the Inn, where I learned that it was Ryn and Shade that committed the murders; Justice will be served in time, mark my words Holdfast…
• Teek appeared again to do the Pride ritual that was discussed last game. I took no part of it since it would weaken an already weak dwarf.
• I finished the game with the completion of the third and final component for my Herald Breaker Gauntlet!

Overall it wasn’t in my top 3 games but it was a pretty awesome experience to have a birthday game! This game surprisingly lined up my plans for Brummbar in the coming season. I plan on getting VERY involved in how Justice is upheld in the future! Also the Happy Birthday wishes on Friday were cool! Thank you so much lads for such a different game; I’m glad you enjoyed the Cupcakes and Cookies/Cream Bars!

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Corin Thu Oct 10, 2024 12:20 pm

- We are warned at safety that things in the inn may be targeted by cast/Providence, so keep track of your valuables! Surely this will not come to anything and nothing bad will happen Smile
- The chefs are here! The sous chef makes something and is dubbed Chef Fork. Corin connects their one and a half brain cells for the only time ever to decide that maybe, just maybe, this might somehow be connected to the murder spoon claiming “the fork” made him do it. Made eye contact with Theo who seems to be of the same opinion. Huh.
- Lo and behold it takes all of five minutes for this hunch to pay off so I’m glad I told some important-looking people, we get a giant spoon monster and I get to melt the spoon >Smile
- The Merchant arrives at last! I have been sitting on 39 phins since buying them at the auction and at long last I get to spend them on all of the Strongwills that I probably should have been using xp on this whole time. Oops!
- Meanwhile, Ryn can’t buy a T in Scrabble-Jotsee no matter how many times she rolls, but Kez rolls the best result immediately. The duality of man
- I go to sleep late as usual, probably I will not miss anything important in the morning!

- I Sleep Through the Things (the collective breaks the Faerie Ring and also plants bombs) (I wake up to a bomb going off and all of my stuff is missing)
- Thank u to Amber and anyone else who helped move stuff, it may have taken me the rest of the game to find it all again but it is immensely appreciated and so much better than having to figure out what happens when cookies are blown up and go OOG
- Surprise! It’s Smithing Time for Corin! We get to use the Hammer of So Fast because many things are happening and Brummbar needs new tools and Kondor needs new armor! The second thing didn’t get done but I made progress at least.
- There’s another bomb, so we all get to flee the Inn and take everything with us to the Citadel, where definitely everything is safe and nobody will ever think to plant another bigger bomb! Ceridwynn and Kez and Drix and everyone else in the bunkroom do a fantastic job of not letting my sleeping bag get detonated, yay!
- My son has done a ritual!! That might have been last night, I forget. I am so proud of him and his powers of hellion whispering <3
- Someone has captured a guy from Providence, so Moggy gets tied to the deck for a couple hours and maybe eventually talks Sebastian into giving him the mana to leave? Unclear exactly what happened about it but nobody got punished so I guess we’re good
- Also there are cool giant butterflies, Zero and I try to knowledge conduit their flight but sadly they stop spawning after we get ready
- The Snurch buys bulk cookies for Saaloween. Thank you for your business, so glad you’re being peaceful and productive members of town, hope this positive trajectory continues!! (author’s note: it does not)
- A call goes out that things are Bad at the Water Circle. I do not go there because it is much too far away and I will die in the woods.
- A call goes out that things have moved on to the Fire Circle. That is in fact both my circus and my monkeys so I book it as fast as humanly possible, but we don’t quite stop them. Instead we get a dramatic woods chase (with absolutely gorgeous fall lighting, props to the filmmakers overseeing everything for that cinematic experience) and a confrontation at the Earth Circle where we finally get Wan Shi. Raz gets my Fighting Spirit award for finishing off two collective members with her bare hands, absolutely vicious and exactly what the situation required
- We fix the Fire Circle, but at what cost? (Sophie, Merric and I have migraines and are losing psychic states because we had to transfer Nero Juice out of the circle, i guess that’s the cost? Kez is chilling and has recovered from Nero-itis so that’s good)
- I recruit people to help fix the Water Circle by transferring more Nero Juice but apparently Theo has it handled, that sequence was cool as hell (I hope Arise Ariz comes back online soon oh dear)
- The Silver Corps disappears to the boneyard on some scheme or other, and shortly after we get a spoopy psychic anglerfish! I do not get to see the cool prop because I will break my ankles if I go in there in the dark, so we do loops around the inn watching out for Rhogar.
- Everyone comes back, mostly in one piece (r.i.p. Kondor’s psychic) and then Rhogar comes. I run outside a bit late after Rosco frees me from my very hungry hammer, and I find Merric down at the feet of Jake’s collective NPC. I fix Merric and immediately accidentally hit Jake in a place where it hurts very badly. I feel very bad about this but not bad enough to let him hurt my friends, so after repeated Strongwill/Snail Hat bullshit to get through a bunch of Void Kills, Corin cuts a guy’s head off and learns what murder feels like. It feels not good Sad(((((((((
- I become the Snail Hat citadel door (Snitadel Snoor) and feel the joy of calling no effect on everything Rhogar tries to get past me and in towards the bomb defusing team. Then he teleports and it becomes an issue
- The gang kills Rhogar, hell yeah
- The bomb is defused but like, barely, and Ceridwynn has apparently amazing spacial awareness because they put that 50ft radius Killing Blow bomb about 52.5ft away from Sophie. Hell yeah x2
- We recover, fix things up, and meet The Merchant again. Sophie makes a scary deal, but Lexicus does a fundraiser and it seems we’re good.
- I spend hours talking to the new halfling (Venetor?) first with Kez and Ryn and then alone. We cover most of the lore I know and I get some very interesting tidbits from him that I hope are still canon even though we’re here and not in Toronto. Also apparently being alone there was a dubious decision but I have SW and Snail Hat and he was just playing around. Maybe? Probably? Hmmmmmm

- I went to bed at like 5:30/6:00 so I sleep until noon
- Apparently this means I miss the Snurch seemingly committing cold-blooded murder (although I think it’s warm-blooded murder since Kondor was not part of this) and the subsequent executions of Quill and Morrigan. I hope Marco is okay and I really hope people stop doing murder at other town members, we have plenty to worry about already. I’m glad the Pride Mothers were allowed to be the ones to carry out the sentence, and if anyone comes after my daughter and my friend for doing what the trial determined was the appropriate punishment I’ll melt their gear into armour stew Smile
- In an incredible turn of events, the murder trial is followed by the theatrical production of….a trial. The third trial this weekend! I also miss this one so I’m 3 for 3. I pass by on the way to the bathroom as Rook is giving some dramatic speech or other, so I’m sure y’all killed it.
- The soul ritual happens! I want so badly to donate, to make the sacrifice like everyone else is, but enchanter training went out the window this game with Bikbun apparently being captured by the Collective and Sebastian being under suspicion of like, treason or something? Still unclear how that discussion ended. So I need my definitely-most-proud-skill to get the training between games or I’ll be shit out of luck when Providence comes and I have nothing to offer town. I have feelings about this but Lexicus reassures me that people are donating plenty and all will be well. I think all my cookies are free next game as a result of this, y’all are incredible and it is an honour to be fighting this war alongside all of you.
- Game is called, I shank some people with a dagger, and all will be resolved in a month when we finally evaporate this purple asshole. Give me Titus, I want to hit him with a sword.


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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Briony Damaris Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:15 pm

Finally made an account to post my post-weekend run downs! Yippee!! What a game!

- I am sleepy. I will sleep soon
- The stars are out and they're absolutely gorgeous
- The chef is back!
- I'm watching a group of holdfasters do a silly dance in front of the beanstalk. I am amused!
- Meat rat meat rat meat rat
- As myself and Rosco are healing I get to try out my new bard song. It's the same as one of Father Francis's songs, which makes me quite happy.
- About to go to bed but there's a guy in the hallway. It's the phin merchant! I will let other people deal with that and let sleep take me.

- Kez comes into the room to wake Merric, which in turn wakes me up. Collective incoming. I run outside and am prepared to medic people as much as I can as they're fucking with the faerie ring
- The new guy in town needs surgery done, as does Lexicus. Cue: My first ever surgery!! Myself and Rosco take our their eyes and grow them new ones. Story gives us mana as a thank you. I feel proud of myself and how far I've come.
- One of the playwrights is in town! I stand on the deck with them as Drixar does his ritual with Kez and crew. Then I see somebody bringing in (what I've learned now) is a member of providence/the collective (shoutout Moggy), but all I see at the time is a flash of Merric's beheaded corpse before I fall to the ground. What an afternoon to relive that trauma! (shoutout Marcus going from playwright to my inner demons in a split second)
- There are BOMBS there are BOMBS in the inn - IN MY BUNKROOM. Well that's great, I'll let everybody else deal with those while I retreat to the citadel with my fellow medics.
- Heralds come down upon us and Wan Shi is killed! I feel proud of us! Go us! Now it's supper time
- Anglerfish! I don't go near it or see it because I feel an inherent responsibility to stay near the inn for people who need healing, but the videos were really cool!
- During the short amount of time I have to heal people while they recuperate form the anglerfish, I heal Sophie. She makes a funny NSFW comment to me and I laugh, we're having a good time here! Even when everything is going to shit!
- Shortly after the anglerfish Rogar and others swarm Holdfast. One of the collective members appears in the inn and does some good damage to me. It's a hard fight, but Rogar is defeated. Only 4 heralds left...
- Dog is really emotional after the Rogar stuff, and I want to be there for him, but I'm also so very tired. I leave it ro Rosco and Merric and I retreat to the bunk room for the night

- I wake up to Gull's singing, figure I'll get out of bed and have a calm morning before the war comes.
- Just kidding, there's been a murder! Marco has been killed! I skip breakfast to figure shit out
- I go with Rosco and Emellia to investigate the Saa circle and then sit with Rosco, Rook and Dimitri for the duration of the interrogation of Quill. I can't believe it took us so long to ask Quill the most straight up question, lmao
- There is a public execution and pretty much everybody watches it go down, it's sort of harrowing and brutal but reminds me that now more than ever the people of Holdfast must stay united, especially with war on the way to our doors
- The play happens! It's awesome! What a 180 in mood! Emellia, Kez, Dog, and Rook really killed their roles, and I really loved the audience participation element!
- Immediately after the play the ritual begins. I know what I'm giving up, sacrificing for the sake of our town, but I'm scared and need reassurance. I talk with Merric, who always knows what to say, before also speaking with Lexicus, who I now trust and respect more than I ever have before. I say goodbye to every aspect of the halfling I was in Applevale as I give up my faehood, baking, and acting skills for the sake of the ritual. (Seeing Sharon's eyes widen when I say i'm giving up being a halfling is maybe the most gratifying thing that's happened at game for me up until this point!) My hands feel cold and empty without their hair, but as I'm surrounded by my partner and friends, though I feel an emptiness in my soul, I can only hope for the future.
Briony Damaris
Briony Damaris

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

Post by Emellia Sun Oct 13, 2024 7:18 pm

The only way to begin is by beginning, so here it goes!!

- Looked at the stars and hugged the beanstalk with Leo, what a very nice start to game
- A person looking for Sophie came to town, they're very nice
- Water-vibed-slimes attacked us and engulfed some people for a bit, but everyone turned out fine
- A couple of slimes climbed the beanstalk so Emellia joined Theo and co. to do the 'Slime Drop Dance' to get it down. It worked splendidly Very Happy
- Kondor handed Emellia mystery meat which she promptly ate and later found out it had human meat within its contents, that will surely not have any bad consequences whatsoever-

- I'm not sure exactly when in the day this happened, but some Providence people attacked the Faerie ring and kicked our butts real bad. If it wasn't for the fact I was unarmed at the time and just making sure people were stable amongst the chaos, I'm pretty sure they would've downed me too.
- Kondor acquired a baby skeleton snake, named it Quill Jr, fed it some rat meat, and it turned into a non-skeleton baby snake!!! Emellia put an awareness ring on them for a little bit, it was nice.
- What a nice day regardless, the sun's out, people are vibing, an- wHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S A BOMB-
- sOo, BomBs GoT plaNteD iNtO thE InN undErnEatH tAbLeS whIle We wErEn'T lOoKiNg, luckily we had some very skilled people who defused 2 out of the 3 (one blew up)
- Sophie arrived and got reunited with an old friend, hooray!!!
- Listened to stories of things that happened where Sophie was from
- A Providence Scout was snooping in the forest, so a bunch of people and Emellia downed and captured him
- I swear I spent at least a couple of hours in the woods gathering and ended up getting 5 flora
- I only attended the last of of Saa-lloween party due to being in the woods, but there was juice and oreos left so all was well lol
- Phins!!! Phins everywhere!!!
- On that note, I encountered my new favourite creature, a songbird! Rook and the bird sang many songs together including the Mario Galaxy theme and it was amazing!! It also knew Secret Tunnel and I was delighted lol
- Asked Francais how he felt and his thoughts during the real trial and got some really good acting notes for the play!
- Providence attacked us again, but this time in the inn and they managed to deploy a big ol’ barrel sized bomb in a bunk room. Ceridwynn took care of it though, everything was fine!
- Bunk room bomb blew up, but thankfully Cerdiwynn placed it a safe distance away from the inn (yippee Very Happy)
- Brummbär and co. went to the forge in the boneyard to try to forge a weapon to try to kill Nero with. Emellia originally went with them but then realised there were not many medics at the inn, panicked, and then walked back to the inn (thank you Jim’s player for accompanying me, I really appreciated it bud).
- Had a grand ol’ time talking with the people on guard at the inn and (thanks to Diodre) realised Emellia could potentially use my mouth-trumpet for barding!
- Wispies!!!..I think…?
- All of a sudden, there was a salvation call in the woods…waiT FRIENDS ARE IN THE WOODS-
- After I booked it into the woods I found a purple angler fish!! The night fight was amazing, the moments I shared with people as we broke each other out of trances, the gorgeous (but tErRifYiNg) angler puppet, everything was just, chef’s kiss, beautiful
- On a related note, Emellia got spirit bonded with someone (Sophie) for the first time! There was a moment we played dead as the lil’ fishies and the angler fish passed by, I’ll never forget it
- Searched Lysander’s Grove for bodies and found none (yippeee!....for now) so back to the inn Emellia went
- Rook needed someone to guard the water circle, so Emellia, Kondor, Leo, Quill, Snow, Marco, and Morrigan vibed halfway between the water circle and the edge of the woods for a little while before we hear commotion and oH CHEESE AND CRACKERS ANOTHER HaRoLd???
- Thankfully we had Ceridwynn, Drix, and Kez in charge of bomb defusing the citadel bomb so everything went fine
- No deaths during the harold fight (everyone did such a good job), so I call that a success Very Happy
- Found out Kondor ended up getting eaten by the angler fish and got spit out the psychic circle with no psychic, poor friendo Sad
-......sooo, note to future self, don’t eat mystery meat anymore because a caster politely whispered in my ear that Emellia likes the taste of human flesh and she didn’t take this discovery well
- Her friends quickly comforted her and had a lovely talk about how that just means she’s stronger now because she’s resisting the urge to eat human, which was oddly wholesome <3
- Quill offered Emellia an arm to eat: comfort appreciated but arm denied

- Woke up immediately to a crime scene! Saw Marco’s ghost and then Marco’s skinless body at the Snircle after we learned Marco was last seen with Morrigan and Quill.
- Quill assured Emellia that it was a set-up, but after Emellia relayed that information to Rook she was met with a sigh and a look, I wonder why…
- Turns out Emellia was lied to and Quill and Morrigan did a murder. Trial happened quickly and the execution of the two was carried out. A sorrow hang through the air like a dense fog, they were Emellia’s friends and everything seemed to happen so fast...
-...on another note, hEY GUYS IT’S COURTROOM DRAMA TIME!
- I played Français in the play and was too terrified to look at Sage (who was playing the actual character Français in the audience) the entire time
- Participated in a ritual to help battle Nero by sacrificing Medic 4 (Emellia takes pride in how far she has come in her ability to help her friends, so I thought Medic 4 would represent that best)
- Sometime between all of these things a spider attacked us and Emellia, Brummbär, Snow, and Ash had a long battle against it that ended with a well earned victory

All in all, I had a really fun game and enjoyed the break from life for a weekend!! Everyone was so cool and made things feel so immersive and I hope y’all have a good week <3

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October 2024 - Mate in 2 Empty Re: October 2024 - Mate in 2

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