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August 2017 event memories.

Joy Rosewood
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August 2017 event memories. Empty August 2017 event memories.

Post by Ivy Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:48 pm

Another weekend, another bunch of shenanigans. What did I miss this time?

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Joy Rosewood Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:30 pm

- start on safety walk with newbs and Phineas as per usual
- I become very beeusy with the knights
- Skeletons attack!
- First time shooting arrows at things at night
- We go to the faery circle to show Volk what it does.
- vampires
- Krond gets fecal decompacted
- Much medic-ing takes place
- More vampires
- "Why do you keep resisting?"
- crawling under the deck
- Even more medic-ing

More to come...
Joy Rosewood
Joy Rosewood

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Timmean Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:21 pm

Okay, gonna post as much of this as I can so I don't forget, because this game was great Smile

Friday night:
-Overhearing the start of the safety walk, then walking over to Jaya and asking "Um... did Phineas just brag about the inn having a back door?"
-Got attacked by... something. Spiders, maybe? I just remember taking 8 points of damage, collapsing, then realizing that I still have 1HP left. I played dead for a little bit.
-Taking the newcomer Trixie to the Faerie circle so she knows somewhere she can hide, only to have Krond collapse with nausea
-Skeletons, because of course there are skeletons. What do I lose this time? A chunk of muscle from my arm
-Flora started medic'ing me and working on the arm, when a skeleton barges into the inn and walks over to us. It starts fiddling with the damaged muscle, and we waited for a moment (I think because there were no fighters nearby?) until it plucks another muscle off and starts eating it -_-
-Getting the muscle replaced by Flora, and then healing it back to normal. You don't know what you've got until you're missing a functioning limb.
-Passing through the inn and learning of the rather... in-depth work that was done to help Krond
-Stalking through the woods to avoid vampires, and finding Volk, Pierre, and someone else (Joy, I think?) carving stakes
-Opening the door of the inn, seeing Helen's character (vampire I'm fairly sure) glance at the door, and immediately slamming it shut again. Then running down into the field at the edge of the bunkhouse and hiding under my cloak. Apparently it blends in very well, even with the gold trim

Saturday daytime:
-Getting up and cooking breakfast. I really enjoyed the root vegetable mix; that was tasty!
-While I'm cooking, Talia walks in, bleeding from just about everywhere. What happened???
-The morning fight with the spiders. I think several people were still asleep, because "Has the entire town of Holdfast seriously been defeated by TWO SPIDERS???"
-Praying at the Faerie and Water circles. Was hoping to get to some others, but stuff gets busy
-Hearing about a big blunder with air mana  Shocked
-Had a little down-time, so we went searching for water tether points. Found three! With the last one right next to the main fire pit...
-...which Sylvie was trying to light at the time, so I stayed and helped for a bit (with the bonus of a little lighter fluid). Once we got that going, I enjoyed a tea reading; apparently Timmean has a long journey in his future!
-Seeing someone I didn't recognize run past, and then seeing someone else chasing them and just shrugging it off
-Talking to Sylvie and Hillary's Arluru at the fire pit. They were generally getting along, but it was still amusing watching a cat-girl and dog-girl circling the fire like they were hunting each other
-Talking to Ravira about her kittens, and how she got separated from them Sad Then praying at the Faerie circle about it
-While praying at the Faerie circle, overhearing Degren and Gurok yelling conversation at each other through the woods
-Seeing Pursephone a little while later, then rushing to get Ravira and urging her to come with me. The initial response (before I gave any context) was "I'm not a dog!"
-Seeing Ravira and Pursephone reunited cat
-Meeting Kristoph. I heard later that he was nobility, and shortly after that he helped out with washing dishes. I commented it was strange but nice to see such work done by "someone of your position." He asked what I was talking about and I didn't elaborate, but when I asked if he had any questions, he just smiled and joked that "I'm sure someone of my position can figure it out."
-Krond's surgery! That was amazing. I just wound up watching and mashing up charcoal for most of it.
-Walking into the inn and hearing that Pursephone was looking to start her first harem. Timmean has never left that inn so fast or in such a panic.
-Making a new map of the mana points at the Knights' Camp. Don't know what happened to that map after that, but it was helpful in getting started
-Our first tethering of mana points featured a miscant, two trees destroyed Godzilla-style, and a delay to change shoes. Good job to Auron and Degren!
-The second tethering went a little more smoothly, bringing us back into balance. I felt even more involved this time, since it was a water point and such. Good job to Asher and Bikbun!
-Celebrating with a FAERIE PAPAYA! It was awesome to bring that thing out and share it with the whole town sunny
-Talking with Bikbun, Val, and Kristoph on the porch about Timmean becoming an elf and such. And that's what led to the line, "Well, I'm just a special case all around."
-THAT TURTLE! Blast that thing! Actually... yes, we did blast it. Several times.
-Bikbun going crazy against the turtle and later jumping on top of it
-Our efforts to restore the circles leading to some super-powered magic stuff; turns out you can suck lots of power out of that turtle, even after its dead

Saturday night:
-Was getting kind of tired and started nodding off in the inn. Thought I was about done for the night, until... THEY showed up
-Several Gloin walk in, and Asher is with one of them. She's acting a bit weird, so I try an untaint... only to have Helen immediately re-subjugate her, and myself as well
-Showing the Gloin around to several different circles, then heading out next to the ruins and starting to build a... house? I was a bit too talkative at that moment
-The people of Holdfast have never been so productive as we were that night  Neutral  And the process of building was awesome, especially the musical bits
-The robotic Kristoph, and Asher complaining he was a Gloin suck-up Razz
-Getting untainted, and then trying to be sneaky and free other people. Though by then most people were already cured.
-Having a debate about how to deal with the Gloin in future, then hearing that people already burned down the "house"
-A bunch of us going to the Faerie circle to find Gurok, only to learn that she HAD NOT lost her temper
-Talking to Joy, trying to figure out why the Gloin had turned Talia into a halfling. Then realizing that halflings are great at lifeskills... making them excellent slave material silent
-Getting called racist for the halfling slave theory, and literally banging my head against the wall before declaring myself "The Great Slaver" and going to bed.

Sunday morning:
-Pranking the knights  Wink  Keep a tighter hold on your weapons, and your flag!
-A bunch of us praying at the Faerie circle, wondering what Faerie has to say about the Gloin
-Talking to a few travellers at the earth circle, and getting to impart a psychic vision about the rift and everything we've been through to deal with it
-Val's uncle returning to town, and him noticing the ears. Also, Kali
-Checking on the circles and finding them weak, but functional
-Another Earth/Air tether, this time with Auron and Asher. Good job, you two!
-Val noting that Timmean talks rather loud
-Meant to do the next tether myself, but Val and Kristoph wouldn't let me. Then Kristoph makes a moral lesson out of the whole thing
-Krond and Pierre securing the next water/fire tether, despite the difficult woods they had to trek through. One last time: good job!
-Sitting down to a town meeting in the field, and ending game on a cliffhanger -_-

Sunday after game:
-Several quotes that I won't repeat
-Getting told about something else that I won't repeat, but which made me very excited for future games
-A very long line of cars heading into Robins

Well, THAT was quite a mouthful. But it was also quite a game Very Happy

*Brooding* *Brooding* *Brooding* *Farming* "The Earth will heal you!" *Brooding*

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Joy Rosewood Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:51 am

- Wake up early. Go on forest adventure. Acquire amazing haul. Finally.
- Ardin is awake. We go to the earth circle. I sit there vomiting and stuff because the forest is haunted and evil. Have a good conversation with Ardin Smile
- After that, more hunting with Ardin.
- Weird tracks near the earth circle???
- I do my very first poison treatment as a medic. I got to break out my medic props Smile
After this point in the day, I forget the order of things that happened, but basically:
- Pirate attack.
- Stone masons
- I learn Awareness from Jaya at some point with Talia. That was cool.
- Kristoph and Purrsephone
- Having an elven prince hold my arrows while I shoot at a giant mana turtle
- Bikbun kicking the ass out of the turtle
- Ardin fixing my bow after watching it destroyed.
- I learn new psychic from Pearl
- Watching Degren screw up the tethering and destroy all the trees.
- Watching Asher during the second tethering.
- Drunk Darcy.
- Remaking arrows.
- Trying to run from one screaming nasty only to literally bump into another nasty.
- We are Gloin (sp?)
- Assan being a badass
- Hiding under the bench
- Discussing the nature of the Gloin and their reasons for turning Talia into a Halfling. To summarize: "Good traits for a slave!"
- The knights forming a body pile. The stars are out and it's beautiful ^_^
- The Galaxy fruit. People eating seeds even though they taste like spicy soap. And you guys wonder why we get into the shit we do.
- "You will find out soon enough" ohhh snap
- The Arluru come back. I'd hang out more with these guys more but it was sooo busy.
- The anti-literature goblin
- Helping Gurok and Degren out with tracking the points.
- Kristoph's butt

So much happened this event.
More to come...
Joy Rosewood
Joy Rosewood

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Malva Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:56 am

As Taka:
-Phineas putting a big emphasis on the fact that the tavern has TWO doors
-Degren: "Don't let it her go to the faerie circle, she might make it sick."
Everyone else: "...what?"
-Tried to solo a hungry skeleton. Did not work.

As Malva:
-Being too tough for the paralysis spider Cool
-Learning what Degren did with Auron's mana and making him more.
-Being stealthy for literally no reason and listening in on really normal conversations. But like, it was cool cause they were like <2m away and didn't notice.
-Finding gather eggs by stopping to eat berries.
-The turtle draining all the mana from the circles, so I went into emergency mana-making mode and then started visiting all the circles alone in the pitch-black, praying into them, and then I ran into Jaya and she was just like "Oh they're already full"
-Trying to get other alchemists making mana, and everyone trying to pin down their levels with the scale from 1-5 thing. And meanwhile I'm just like "I taught Talia. I know she can do this." "Okay but on a scale from 1 to 5...?" "Solidly in the middle." "So like a 2? 3?" "The middle."
-Sitting Talia down to make mana and finding out, after she's started, that she's not aware.
-I made like 40 mana this game
-The Glo'in/Glowing/???
-Trying to sneak down to the fire circle for I forget why & I hear a commotion so I hide and when it stops I come out and there's just a pile of bleeding unconscious bodies. I knew Degren could heal people so I dug the health potion I gave him earlier out of his bag and healed him and he got up and healed everyone else. Everything seemed all well and good, but then they started yelling about their "master", and I just noped out of there.
-Hiding in the woods with Lady Keket
-Timmean's comment about halfling slaves
-Jaya "was there"
As Taka:
-Waking up for a short period of time to accomplish all that I had meant to Cool

As Malva:
-Ideas for a thief-proof tip jar
-Much trading with Cal
-Buying a whistle from Lady Innogen, who was just trying to make an honest living

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Joy Rosewood Mon Aug 21, 2017 5:16 pm

- I get fancy :3
- watching the bumblebees with Assan
- Going to the circle to talk to Faerie
- Watching the tethering above the Fairchild camp
- The town meeting and the cliff hanger ending

- These are the dishes that never end...
- I find that arrow that went missing
- Tony is a back wizard
Joy Rosewood
Joy Rosewood

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Asher Fairchild Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:39 am

Posting quick because work, forgive my spelling and grammatical errors!

-The drive to site is always a good time. Trying to find songs we can all sing along to on a CD of 100 songs was a challenge, but we did it!
-Thank you to everyone who offered me pants when I forgot mine! Big shout out to Jenn for coming through and giving me a pair!
-Finallllly getting to tell everyone and show them the trophy and plaque! I've been planning to have these made since last September and I'm so stoked they finally exist! I was so happy with the reaction they got! The tournament is going to be EPIC!
-Before game brooding. Didn't get to do it last game and I severely missed it.
-Starting game drunk in the tavern because Bishop left without saying anything. Drunk Asher is fun to play, rivaled only by Baby Asher.
-The vampires! Oh the vampires were so fun and spooky! I need to silver ALL my weapons!
-Robs vampire: Stop. Fighting. US. (or something to that effect)
Asher: NO!
- Making butter chicken at like. 2am for everyone on the knights meal plan. It was so cold out and it was awesome to eat something hot before bed. I'm glad you all liked it!
-Actually stayin IC all of Friday night. Was proud of myself.

-Coming into town as Sylvie and reading tea leaves!
-Thank you Travis for helping me start a fire on a damp firepit! You the real MVP
-Coming back to town as Asher and tethering a point with Bikbun! Surprisingly enough, being held back by giant invisible elastic bands is really fun to roleplay!
-Traditional nap at the knights camp. The second I laid down I hear people running around and panicking. I heard Timmean yell "WE NEED ARCHERS"...but I was too cozy to go do anything about it.
-Didn't nap too much though. James, Jess and I ate potato chips and meme'd. Sorry George and Mike, we ruined nap time.
-Saturday night mod...what can I even say about it? It was so freakin weird but so much fun. I sat there for a solid 20 minutes hammering my own shoe with a branch. I had a ton of fun just building a house for an hour with all of you. I don't even know what to say, 10/10 mod would play again. We are of Gloine!
-"I feel sufficient." - Bikbun. Quote of the game, imo.
-Props to Hope for untainting everyone!

-Talking to Joy about getting a dress made...
-Boy oh boy, September game sure is gonna be busy...
-Tethering another point with Auron. Asking Timmean if he minds if I do it since its probably the only one Auron and I will get to tether together
-Learning water spells from Hasan with Datura
-Having a reallllly good nap on the step

Great game guys! As always, big thank you to the AD and Cast for all the hard work and long hours! I just love you all so much and I'm REALLY looking forward to the season finale!
Asher Fairchild
Asher Fairchild

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Asher Fairchild Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:41 am

Oh yeah, and grapple training with Rob and straight up kicking Datura in the shin for absolutely no reason. My body just naturally did it. Wtf Erika.
Asher Fairchild
Asher Fairchild

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Ardin Gallagher Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:19 pm

~Heading to the in in time to hear Phineas talk about the lovely back door.
~Having medics look at my leg, nothing they could do about it.
~Have Flora look at my leg, get told off for letting it get this bad.
~Help with the medics in the inn.
~Suddenly vampires. Always suddenly vampires.
~Medic people back up while the vampires occupy themselves.
~Skeletons because you can’t have vampires without skeletons.
~Watching Timmean stand around and let a skeleton eat his arm.

~Morning prayers to Lord Earth.
~Find Joy, start looking for gathers.
~A single tire track? Lead the way Joy!
~Ominous foreshadowing.
~Degren’s slip-up with a mana bag.
~Hear someone go down on the deck, go to medic them.
~Suddenly spider.
~Suddenly paralysis.
~“Did the town just seriously get defeated by TWO SPIDERS!?”
~Degren to the rescue.
~Coordinating the points with the knights. Yay for tactical planning!
~Tethering the points.
~Watching the first tether fail.
~More tethering. Yay for balance!
~Daytime night yetis.
~Burning the yeti.
~Suddenly explosion!
~Tala coming in and seeing the work we’ve done.
~Tala and Ardin at the Earth Circle.
~Ravira’s troubles.
~Relaxing at the inn, suddenly Timmean says he feels something at the water circle.
~Head out with him to check on earth, thinking the points are doing something.
~Nope. Massive mana turtle... eating the circle?
~Finished eating the water circle, headed for earth.
~Freaking out trying to think of a way to stop it to no avail.
~Fighting the thing all the way down to the air circle.
~Archers managing to hit it
~Mending their bows as the turtle burns them.
~Finally killing the turtle.
~Bikbun’s self sacrifice on the turtle. Absolutely amazing!
~Head back to the earth circle and pray to Lord Earth to see how to fix it.
~Still praying as Jaya et al come with the turtle.
~Still weak, staying with the circle to make sure nothing else happens to it.
~Collapse from exhaustion next to the circle.
~Wake up and stagger back to the inn.
~Collapse in the inn.
~Get actual rest in the inn.
~Nothing much happening, must go check on the circle again.
~Knights headed down to the fire circle, go with them.
~Suddenly Gloin.
~Head back to the inn with news of our new mind controlling friends.
~Stay in the inn and watch Hassan take out two of them.
~Elf tactics, they work!
~Talia’s… a halfling now?
~Groin built a house.
~Burn it to the ground! The motto of Holdfast.

~Talking with Maximillion
~Cal coming in.
~Owl and Sir Kit!
~Heading to the earth circle to discuss my findings.
~Timmean helping out.
~More talks of mana points.
~Decide to do another set today.
~Climb up the mountain on crutches to watch this tethering.
~Asher and Auron tethering the points.
~Town meeting.
~Talia’s human again!
Ardin Gallagher
Ardin Gallagher

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Timmean Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:14 pm

A few details I forgot:

-Dragging a paralyzed Pierre into the inn and setting him next to the fireplace like a statue
-Bikbun, talking about Dwarven culture: "Aye, if you didn' know tha' you must be livin' under a rock. But no' really, because tha's where the Dwarves are."

*Brooding* *Brooding* *Brooding* *Farming* "The Earth will heal you!" *Brooding*

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by Gurok Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:18 pm

Before game, during log: "Um, Rob?" "Just a second" a minute later "Sorry Rob it's just-" "Hang on." A minute later, Rob still obviously busy doing somthing *Taps on Rob's shoulder* "Sigh..Yes Jean??" "Rob, there is a live fish in the outhouse." "Sorry, What??!"
In game:
Derp skeleton lol
Having lord earth talk to me personally and guide me to the last two earth points (me being unaware, not psychic and not a tracker, while the psychic, tracker and mage looked on) It was truly a magical and eye opening experience for Gurok.
Over hearing people trash talk me on their way up to the faerie circle where I had come to meditate, then the validation I got from lady Innogen and some others afterwords.
Getting robbed by captain Tiberius
The Gloin drum circle, humming done, and Kristoff-mocking
After game, riding home with Rebekah and Wil:
"Pour some sugar on me' comes on the radio. Wil pictures all the elves doing a slow motion sexy catwalk across the field, but all I can think of is watching Timmean being verbally tortured in the field with sugars dirty talk voice.

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by AD Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:54 am

Let's see....
I was present for a lot and witnessed almost none of it but here goes anyways.

Being the water plant and as I come into the water OOG to prep for the mod, I see Hope catching minnows before going for a swim. I ask if she's IG to which she happily responds with a Yes before everything clicking and her face falls in the sudden realiazation of what is about to happen. Mad Props to her for staying in the water. I come into game, start toward her and she screams, runs, gets her sword and tries to fight me in her bathing suit. I was suitably impressed. Happens a second time, after I was killed, and I hear a small, "I just want to swim". Again, props to her for not meta gaming and then trying to feed me a minnow she caught. I was genuinely pleased. I have amazing players.
-the second plant monster gets roasted because such is the way of all of Holdfast. Need to kill a thing we don't understand the biological make up? Burn it.

Being killing blowed as a skelly to the dirty sounding, "Beating it 1, Beating it 2...etc" If you don't get it, I'll explain it to you when you get older. ;p I couldn't see the actual beating but I could hear it in Wil's voice. I could feel the muscle's being used as he beat it all over the skeleton. Dirty Jokes aside, I have amazing players.

Watching all of Krond's surgery. Krond's gut issues lasted two months, July and August. Tony being amazing all throughout. When I'm expecting a double over, or weak at the knees, he just topples. It got to the point that when I walked toward Tony, he would just whimper. As I'm watching Flora deal with it finally, I wonder and worry if it's been too much. Looking down at Tony, he makes eye contact part way through the main surgery and gives me a wink. And there, I knew I had done a good. It was awesome. I have amazing players.

When I was the plant and was sent to be burnt, I look at the pile of wood they prepared to be a roaring fire and ask "Do you feel that will actually catch and burn?" I got a saddened "No" and then they rebuilt it without question. I have amazing players.

Overseeing the tethering and watching the planning and precision that went into it. Watching those tethered do a Damn Good Job at the rp. I have amazing players.

Getting to see snippets of Mel's rp and hearing the aftermath of both Drunk Darcy and Mothering Ravira. I have amazing players.

Seeing and hearing the town come together about things while still maintaining their own views, like real people do. Say it with me, I have amazing players.

Couple of weeks after game I hear that some people miss Sugar. I have questionably sane players.

Thanks so much for a great August Game!

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

Post by AD Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:17 pm

Oh, and how could I forget? Being the only one to witness Degren put down a bag full of Aurun's mana. As I watch I think, "No, it can't be the mana, he JUST commented on it. No." Lean forward to feel for mana, he sees me do this, realiazes what's going on and asks, "When did this happen?" "RIght now." "By who?" "You." "oh." Aurun sees this, pieces everything together and just leaves before he instigates bloodshed over his lost 25 mana. Many of them gifted by Lord Air himself. I have amazingly ...interesting...players.

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August 2017 event memories. Empty Re: August 2017 event memories.

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